Ah Poor Bird


Ah Poor Bird


Girl Scouts - Songs


Girl Scouts singing Ah Poor Bird at the History Harvest gathering.


Camp Scott Girl Scouts




Camp Scott Girl Scouts


The researcher assumes full responsibility for conforming with the laws of copyright. Whenever possible, University Archives will provide information about copyright owners and related information. Securing permission to publish or use material is the responsibility of the researcher. Note that unless specifically transferred to Oklahoma State University Libraries, any applicable copyrights may be held by another individual or entity. All rights reserved. Further information about copyright can be obtained by contacting Dr. Amy Sullivan, Macalester College, History Department, 1600 Grand Ave, St. Paul MN 55105 asulliv2@macalester.edu




Ah, poor bird
Take your flight
High above the sorrows
Of this sad night
Ah, poor bird
Take your flight
High above the sorrows
Of this sad night
Ah, poor bird
Take your flight
High above the sorrows
Of this sad night
Ah, poor bird
Take your flight
High above the sorrows
Of this sad night
If you fly
Out of sight
I know I can find you
Soaring high tonight
If you fly
Out of sight
I know I can find you
Soaring high tonight
Ah, poor bird
Take your flight
High above the sorrows
Of this sad night
Ah, poor bird
Take your flight
High above the sorrows
Of this sad night
High above the sorrows
Of this sad night


1 minute, 20 seconds

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Ah Poor Bird.mp3



Camp Scott Girl Scouts, “Ah Poor Bird,” Remembering Camp Scott, accessed February 12, 2025, https://campscott.library.okstate.edu/items/show/385.